13 Aug The EU passes a new labelling for the biodiesel
From the 12th October 2018 in the 28 countries from the European Union and the EEE countries (Island, Liechtenstein and Norwey) and Macedonia, Serbia, Swiss and Turkey will use a new labelling system.
The aim is offering more and better information to the consumer as well as providing the characteristics of the type of fuel used and its percentage of biodiesel.
The labelling will be marked by shapes (circles, squares, rhombus) and acronyms. It will be included in the tanks of the labelled cars from the effective date. Below an example of the new labelling.

The letter “B” refers to Biodiesel and the number along the percentage of biodiesel accepted by the specific car. Therefore, the letter B7 will mean that the car can stand diesel with a 7% of biodiesel; B10, the car accepts diesel with a 10% of Biodiesel; and XTL, the car accepts paraffinic diesel.