01 Aug Is the era of global boiling beginning?
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the European Commission’s Copernicus Service confirmed Thursday that July 2023 will be the hottest month ever recorded.
The era of global warming is over, the era of global boiling begins, says the UN
This July has been the hottest month globally since records have been kept, with an average temperature of 16.95 degrees Celsius.
UN Secretary General António Guterres coined a new term “the era of global warming is over, now it is time for the era of global boiling” and tried to warn about the effects of climate change before the International Summit on the Climate Crisis to be held in September, where developed countries will be asked to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040 or earlier, and emerging economies by 2050.
July 6 was the hottest day ever recorded, with an average temperature of 17.08 degrees Celsius.
The seas and oceans are a fundamental part of climate regulation and the data show us that they are being affected.
One of the main drivers of warming is El Niño, a natural climate fluctuation associated with the warming of the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, which has a global warming effect.
The waters of the Mediterranean Sea also broke their warmth record, with a median temperature of 28.71°C. while those of the North Atlantic Ocean broke a daily maximum temperature record.
“Accelerating temperatures call for accelerated action.“