Welcome to Greenside Costa Rica

Green solutions, integrated solutions

The care of the environment is a growing concern of society worldwide, which advocates or encourages its defence in such a way that the attitude of a person, an institution or a company towards environmental issues is used to judge their behaviour. This environmental advocacy initiative has made the issue of environmental conservation central to the enactment of laws worldwide and in our country in recent years.

One of the issues that concerns human development and its relationship with the environment is the generation of waste and its proper treatment. All human activity generates waste that impacts or may impact negatively on the environment. Some of these wastes are considered hazardous because they have characteristics that classify them as toxic, corrosive or harmful to the biotic, abiotic, socio-economic or cultural environment. Waste generators have the responsibility to take the necessary actions to ensure that these wastes do not cause damage to their environment.






Where we are?


Guadalupe avenida 18 calle 80 del taller el amigo 50 metros oeste


Corporativo: +506 2201 6869

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