15 Mar 14th March Global Climate Strike
The mobilization has received the support of more the 98 countries and is being develeped after of months of strikes born due to the initiative promote by the young Greta Thunber, A swede girl aged 15, who besides being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome,OCD and selective mutism, leads the fights for the youngest against the climate change. Greta sat down during more than 2 weeks in the swede parliament, hanging a poster which read “school strike for the climate”, until she was fined and expelled. Her initiative also meant her candidature for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a swede student and activist. In August 2018 she became a leading figure in the student strikes carried out in the outskirts if Riksdag, raising awareness towards the global warming.